the imaginary adventures of finn

By bernard henry & Michael cefalu

Finn the quail has been obsessed with collecting hats since he was a chick! Each hat he adds to his collection brings on a new imaginary adventure! In this book, Dad brings Finn home a detective hat! Detective Finn has to try and solve the mystery of the missing sunflower seeds on the farm!

The imaginary adventures of Finn

The imaginary adventures of Finn

About The Imaginary Adventures of Finn: The Missing Sunflower Seeds

The Imaginary Adventures of Finn is a captivating story full of characters with quite the array of personalities that Finn investigates during his adventure! Finn collects many clues along the way to help young readers try and solve the mystery of the missing sunflower seeds on their own!

Page length: 40 pages

Reading Age: 3-7 years old

Language: English

Book Dimensions: 8” x 11.5” (landscape orientation)

The many hats of Finn

About Bernard and michael

Bernard Henry and Michael Cefalu are the owners of Fat Hen Farms and dads to many birds, one of which is a quail named Finn! Many of the 100+ birds on their sanctuary being rescued from neglected homes that they care for.

As a flower farmer with a degree in biology, the owner of a skincare line, and over ten years of experience raising many species of birds like Finn, Bernard, too wears many hats. He became inspired to start writing after starting the series on his social media platforms “what hat will Finn wear next”, which now consists of over 80 hats that have been featured by Finn!

Finn and his growing hat collection can be found on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook! @fathenfarms